7 African Powers Resin Incense


7 African Powers Resin Incense is a powerful tool for spiritual manifestation and protection. This incense is made from a blend of natural resins and is specially formulated to honor the seven African Orishas, or deities, known as the Seven African Powers.

When burned, the smoke from 7 African Powers Resin Incense is believed to carry prayers and intentions to the heavens, helping to clear negative energy and bring balance and harmony to your life. It is often used during spiritual practices, such as meditation and prayer, to invoke the protection and guidance of the Seven African Powers

  • 50 gram bag = 1.8 ounces

  • Must be burned on top of charcoal

The Seven African Powers, also known as "Las Siete Potencias Africanas" in Spanish, govern essential aspects of human existence such as love, fertility, power, justice, healing, and opportunity. Originating from Santeria, Candomble, Vodou, and Umbanda traditions, these Orishas found their way to the United States and beyond through the African diaspora. Today, their influence endures as modern descendants continue to seek their guidance.

Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Obatala, Oya (alternatively Orunmila or Ochossi), and Ogun form the core of the Seven African Powers. These Orishas transcend various religions and traditions rooted in the African diaspora, including Santeria, Candomble, Hoodoo, and Arara.

To tap into the power of the Seven African Powers, approach them with the utmost respect and reverence. While ancestral lineage is not a prerequisite for seeking their assistance, acknowledging and honoring their cultural origins is essential. Understanding the individual preferences, taboos, and rivalries of each Orisha is crucial; respecting these nuances ensures a harmonious connection.

Before seeking aid, familiarize yourself with the unique characteristics of each Orisha, including their likes, dislikes, and specific rituals. Some Orishas should not be invoked simultaneously unless calling upon the collective power of the Seven African Powers. Be mindful of offerings that certain Orishas detest to avoid inadvertent errors.

The Seven African Powers preside over every aspect of human necessity, making them ideal allies when facing significant challenges or when desiring comprehensive blessings. Embrace the divine energy of the Seven African Powers and allow their influence to enhance your life.

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