Littles Pineapple Pin

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$15.00

Littles designed this herself off her IPad and I am so proud of her that she got to create her art in 3D! All the proceeds are going back to her to continue making these pins.

About Littles: littles is my youngest in the clan. A lot of you haven’t seen her on my social media post and even met her in person at my events. She peaked an interest this year on working with me and adding things to the store based on her choosing. Of course I requested permission from our ancestors and they said yes that this was our legacy. So with that being said she has chosen and made these specific items for the community. Thank you for supporting her and her vision at this time.

**Please remember she is a child, there maybe flaws in some products. I am overseeing all of these items that she is creating and working with me.

**All protection items are charged, blessed & cleansed! My bracelets, earrings, pendants & key Chains are charged with my ancestors & will pop or mysteriously break if Mal de Ojo /Evil Eye or spell work was thrown at the wearer. It means it has caught the work & to warn you! At that time you must get another or ask your team to guide you on to seek spiritual advice.

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