

This beautiful green stone and crystal amplifies good and bad, transformation stone and it clears your chakras. 

Malachite mineral rock meaning is all about protection, change and renewal. It is known as a Stone of Transformation. The green mineral rock protective powers at the heart of malachite meaning provide protection from negativity during transition or transformation. The beautiful dark green malachite and light green malachite colors are the colors of spring and fresh new growth. These green mineral rocks represent nature’s fresh green grass and spring foliage. Malachite meaning and malachite benefits go well beyond what can easily be seen, though. Malachite mineral rock powers at the heart of malachite meaning go deep, like the strong new roots needed to support that new spring foliage.

The soothing, calming, almost mesmerizing malachite color imparts a soothing, calming energy to keep you comfortable during times of transition or transformation. Light green malachite and dark green malachite colors swirl together, providing the comforting sense of movement that is such a big part of malachite meaning.

This green mineral rock is a gemstone of protection for people who travel. This is one of the malachite benefits at the root of malachite meaning. It is an empowering crystal, giving travelers, especially people who have a fear of flying, the confidence needed to travel. This self-empowering malachite benefit is included in malachite meaning. It imparts confidence and mental fortitude, in keeping with malachite meaning. Malachite crystals help insure easy, uneventful travel.

Malachite crystals actually absorb negative energy. This is an important malachite benefit at the heart of malachite meaning. Light green malachite and dark green malachite absorb electromagnetic pollution from electronics like microwaves, computers and televisions. At a workplace, the green mineral rock provides protection against harsh fluorescent lighting and excess noise.

While malachite crystals actually absorb all of this negativity, it resonates to send out healing, nurturing vibrations in tune with Mother Earth. These soothing, healing vibrations, which are a big part of malachite meaning, help those within its field remain comfortable and at ease.

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