Sanda Rosa Azeztulite Earrings


**All protection items are charged, blessed & cleansed! My bracelets &key Chains are charged with my ancestors & will pop or mysteriously break if Mal de Ojo /Evil Eye or spell work was thrown at the wearer. It means it has caught the work & to warn you! At that time you must get another or ask your team to guide you on to seek spiritual advice.

Sanda rosa azeztulite supports the digestive system and harmonises your body systems with a higher consciousness. It can spiritually benefit dysfunctions relating to stress or anxiety.
This stone supports inner serenity and is soothing to the etheric body.
Sanda rosa azeztulite enhances meditation and dreams and stimulates the attainment of multi-level awareness. It can facilitate inner encounters with high spiritual beings. This stone assists you to dispel negative emotional patterns linked to past lives and attune you to connect with your purified, joyful and perfected future self. Sanda rosa azeztulite works on multiple levels to bring forward the pattern of wholeness that is latent within all of us that may have been fragmented due to fear, or wounded by the attacks or other entities.

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