White Azeztulite Earrings


**All protection items are charged, blessed & cleansed! My bracelets &key Chains are charged with my ancestors & will pop or mysteriously break if Mal de Ojo /Evil Eye or spell work was thrown at the wearer. It means it has caught the work & to warn you! At that time you must get another or ask your team to guide you on to seek spiritual advice.

Azeztulite is a white variety of quartz. It has a quite interesting vibration, and it is said to be connecting those who use it to beings in other dimensions. This white stone has been named after a group of interdimensional beings called 'the Azez', that were said to have made a connection with those who named this stone. The people who discovered this stone said they made contact with these beings and brought information about it to the attention of the world.It is said to have an unusual vibration, believed to be caused by the changes made to the stone, by these beings of extra-terrestrial origin, and many people find its side effects a little unpleasant at first.

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